bow hunting in africa

Bow hunting in africa is a wonderful experience, but one that requires a lot of practice and the right equipment. You will need to ensure that your bow is suitable for the kind of game you are going to be hunting, and you will need to choose a bow sight with a good range. Ideally, you should use a sight that will allow you to sight in at distances up to 60 meters.

You will also need a good quality bow, and you will need to decide whether to use a compound or recurve bow. A compound bow is more versatile, and it can be used for a variety of species. However, a recurve bow is usually much more accurate than a compound bow, and it is also easier to tune.

If you are new to bow hunting, or if you want to try something different from your regular bowhunting, you can consider trying a crossbow. These bows have a similar shape to an archery arrow, but they fire at a much higher velocity than regular arrows. This makes them ideal for hunting long-range game, such as elk, deer, and bear.

In addition to these specialized bows, you can also hunt with a standard longbow. However, these bows are often harder to use than compound bows, and they may require a bit more practice.

The best time of year to bow hunt in south africa varies depending on the specific species you are after. Kemp African Safaris recommends that you bow hunt in the winter from late May through to early October. This is because this is when water is scarce and animal concentrations around waterholes are greater.

A good quality bow is important when you are hunting in Africa, and you should always use the heaviest limbs that you can shoot comfortably. It is also a good idea to use no-cam limbs, which will reduce the amount of vibration when you are drawing and firing your bow. It is also recommended that you use a high-quality bow sight with lighted pins. This will allow you to see the arrow’s flight path and make sure that it has entered the vital zone of your target.

There are a number of great bow hunting books available to help you prepare for your trip to Africa. Some of them are written by well-known bowhunters and share their adventure stories, while others offer tips on the art of bow hunting. Regardless of which book you read, it is important to follow the proper safety protocol when you are hunting in Africa. This will ensure that your trip is as enjoyable and safe as possible. In addition to this, you should always work with a reputable outfitter when you are bow hunting in africa. This will help you avoid any unpleasant accidents or mishaps during your bow hunt. This will also increase your chances of a successful hunt and a trophy animal that is worthy of hanging in your home.